The second sonogram appt. was today and the Dr. said all looks well. Our little J-bug is a stubborn one, though. He/she kept *hiding* from us by putting his/her hand in front of his/her face so we never really got any good pics or visuals. And then he/she decided to pull the umbilical cord up between his or her legs so we FOR SURE couldn't tell what he or she was! That's my child alright! lol However... I have my first Dr.'s appt. tomorrow morning and will have another one then so maybe J-bug will be a little more cooperative for that one. ;)
The Dr. that was volunteering at the Resource Center today- get this- is actually over the Baylor that I will be going to so how cool is that? She made a quick call over and made sure they'd be doing the *works* (sono, full check-up, etc.). Good to *know* people in high places I guess. lol
Only *worry* she brought up was the distance between my placenta and my cervix. Right now, my placenta is covering my cervix which would mean- if I were at 28+ weeks at this time- I would for sure be having a c-section. I wasn't happy to hear that considering I've had ALL my children the *natural* way, thus far. I didn't really plan to change that this time around. :( BUT she said it still has plenty of time to move at this juncture so we will be praying that it does.
Regarding the cerclage', she said that the Dr. tomorrow should be able to more fully determine the need for that or not. I'm getting close to the point where I wouldn't be able to do it any longer so it's pretty imperative that they determine that quickly if it's going to need to be done and schedule the surgery for it pretty soon. I'm right at 17 weeks right now and they *like* to do them at 14-16 weeks, if possible. By 20 weeks, it's too late.
Oh my goodness!! Let's just say I could've TOTALLY done without the weighing thing today! Ugh! I go off on vacation for 2 weeks and 3 weeks later I weighed 10 lbs more! Good grief!! I was so proud because, thus far, I had only gained 3-5 lbs in 4 months! Then this!!! That's it- back to grilled chicken breasts, veggies & salad for this little one! With the dairy & fruits thrown in, of course. ;) (I blame Sus, it's her fault- with all that southern cooking and steak & potatoes, and... ;)
I guess that's about it. I will blog again tomorrow with the Dr.'s findings. :)
be blessed...
Melanie & the *shy* little J-bug (lol)s
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