Well, I think I can honestly say that today was the LONGEST Dr.’s appt. I have EVER been to in my LIFE!! They told me it would be long, but good grief! I got there at 10:00am and we didn’t leave there ‘til amost 3:00pm! So be prepared for a LOOOONG blog! lol
I am going through Baylor (where I had my last pregnancies) and today was the first time for me to go. I got registered in and all the “pre-admin” paperwork filled out, etc. While waiting for the actual appt.- Holly, Faith and I went downstairs to grab something to munch on and come back and wait. I forgot to look at the clock then, but I would guess it was about an hour from the time we got there that we were going into the room. My Dr. was busy with another sono so she sent in another Dr. that was just a joy- and was appropriately named “Joy”. :) She asked a TON of questions about my medical history (which is extensive) and then asked about the other side that I couldn’t answer. That has to be the most frustrating part. Anyway, I digress… I answered what I could and she moved on to the physical exam. I won’t go into details here (lol) other than to say that they did a typical “physical” and then the women’s exam and I’ll leave it at that. ;)
Then it was sono time… YAY!! Their equipment is SO much better and more advanced than that of the other 2 I’ve had so everything was MUCH larger- on the screen and in pics, as you will see. The girls, of course, just wanted to see one thing and I think they were both waiting with baited breath… but on opposing teams! LOL (Faith wanted a boy and Holly wanted a girl). The Dr., of course, had to give her little shpill about how- “I can’t be positive, but if I had to make an educated guess…”
Oh, did you want me to tell you what she guessed? LOL We determined that J-bug MUST be… wait for it… lol
A “little lady”… because in every sono thus far, she has had her legs crossed at the ankles! lol Which is absolutely adorable, as you can see in today’s sono pics. ;) Again- it isn’t 100% positive at this point, but pretty darn sure. That’s what Sheree and I guessed after the first one, too! :)
J-bug was more active than EVER today- too cute! She was moving CONSTANTLY! And I told the Dr.- well, I did have that sticky bun this morning… she’s probably on a sugar-high! lol So after Faith bursts into tears and determines that God does not love her after all (joke) and Holly and I practically dance around the room (another joke), they release us to go BACK to the waiting room to wait on labs. That took almost an hour because the system wasn’t working properly and inputting my extensive medical history, etc. Finally, about an hour later, I get called to go to the lab. My FAVORITE part! NOT!
They tested me for everything under the sun. Ugh! They took 8 tubes of blood and only stopped then because the needle came out of my arm and she asked if I wanted her to try and make due with what they’d already drawn or to try and re-stick me. Hmmm… let’s think about this, shall we? Uh- NO! lol I HATE needles. I mean HATE is really not even a strong enough word for my feelings about needles! I have not had NATURAL childbirths for nothing! I loathe them! So we compromised… I have to go back for even MORE tests tomorrow (having a high-risk pregnancy, I’ve determined, pretty well sucks! lol) and a diabetes test so I told her if they determined today’s blood was not enough to run the plethora of tests they need to run, she can stick me again tomorrow and get more. Aren’t I just the supreme negotiator?! lol Whatever the matter, she agreed so- works for me! ;)
So I am on a 24 hour collection period (I won’t tell you what and gross you out. lol) that I have to take back tomorrow for more testing. At that time, they will have to stick me again anyway for ANOTHER test they determined at the last minute they needed to run. I will also have to submit more hospital paperwork then. The fun has officially begun- woo hoo! lol
I have my next appt. in 2 weeks for an “internal” ultrasound to determine the need for a cerclage’. I discussed it with the Dr. today and my concern of the time running out for it. Normally, it would have been a month before I had to come back for another appt., but due to the time constraints on this procedure, I will go back then for them to measure the cervix (internally) and make the determination for the need for it at that time. If so, they will schedule the surgery immediately to go in and do that- before I hit the crucial 20 week mark. Like I said… having a high-risk pregnancy is really LOADS of fun! ;)
Ok, so that’s all that with my REGULAR Dr... NOW I get to ALSO go to the high-risk SPECIALIST Dr. Oh- YAY! lol I am going to be SOOOOO sick of hospitals and Dr.’s offices by the time this is over that I will be more than happy for them to remove my tubes when it’s all said and done! lol
So I guess that’s it for now. I’m SO excited to share these pics with you, as they are my favorites, thus far. :)
Thank you for all your concern, love and support. You guys are awesome and it means the world to me to know you care so much. :)
be blessed... Melanie & the *little lady* (he he) J-bug
well that is awesome girl! i hope all is well and little j-bug comes on schedule with no complications.
ReplyDeletelove you,