About Me

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Hi! I'm a 42 year old Christian, wife, mother and friend to some pretty amazing people, if I do say so myself. ;) I'm a Writer, thus the reason I am here. Writing is my passion, closely followed by my love for music and Scrapbooking. What makes me tick, so to speak, is my love for people and I thrive in an environment when I'm able to exhibit that. If I write a blog that touches just one person's heart or allows them to identify with someone or makes them smile- that is what I'm in it for. That makes me happy. My God is the MOST important thing in my life- period. My husband and my children come next to that and all the other aspects of my life fall in line with that. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Church Signs...

I saw these in a video and just wanted to post them here. Clever, clever stuff. Love it!

* Don't Give Up! Moses was once a basket case! *

* "TRY JESUS"! If you don't like Him, the devil will take you back! *

* If you don't like the way you were born, try being "born again"! *

* FREE COFFEE ~ EVERLASTING LIFE ~ Yes, membership has its privileges! *

* ATM INSIDE ~ Atonement, Truth, Mercy *

* Be as good a person as your pet believes you are *

* God does not believe in atheists, therefore, atheists do not exist! *

* What part of "THOU SHALL NOT* don't you understand? *

* Let's meet at my house Sunday before the game ~ God *

* Forgive your enemies, it messes with their heads * (love it!!)

* YOU'RE on Heaven's "Most Wanted" list! *

* (and on an old gas station light up sign) JESUS - COMING SOON *

* Don't be so open-minded, your brains fall out * (ba ha ha ha!)

* Can't sleep? Counting sheep? Talk to "the shepherd"! *

* You may party in hell, but YOU will be the BBQ!!!! *

* God so loved the world that He did not send a committee! * (can I get an AMEN!)

* Keep using my name in vain... I'll make rush hour LONGER! * (my personal fave!!)

* Tomorrow's Forecast... God Reigns and the Son Shines! * (CUTE!)

* We believe in UFO's... "Unity, Forgiveness, and Outreach *

* To be "Almost Saved" is to be Totally Lost! * (AMEN!!)

* If God had a refrigerator, YOUR picture would be on it! *

* Life stinks... we have a "pew" for you! *

* Read the Bible... it will scare the HELL out of you! * (GREATNESS!!)

* There ARE SOME questions that CAN'T be answered by Google! *

* Wal-mart isn't the only saving place in town! *

and this one I actually saw at a church here in Tyler...

* if you don't evangelize, you will fossilize! *

Hope you have enjoyed these! Orleans Christian Church in Orleans, Indiana gets credit for compiling the video with all the signs. :)

be blessed...

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