About Me

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Hi! I'm a 42 year old Christian, wife, mother and friend to some pretty amazing people, if I do say so myself. ;) I'm a Writer, thus the reason I am here. Writing is my passion, closely followed by my love for music and Scrapbooking. What makes me tick, so to speak, is my love for people and I thrive in an environment when I'm able to exhibit that. If I write a blog that touches just one person's heart or allows them to identify with someone or makes them smile- that is what I'm in it for. That makes me happy. My God is the MOST important thing in my life- period. My husband and my children come next to that and all the other aspects of my life fall in line with that. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Recently, I read somewhere that a woman had determined to write down at least one thing, everyday, that she was grateful for. In an attempt to get herself through some hard times, she thought it might help to remember the blessings, as well. I thought this was such a great idea so I took my organizer and on the daily sections, I write down at least one thing that I am grateful for that day. I have tried to stay consistent with this and do it when I do my morning devotional. As I have a tendency to do, I have days that I have missed, but I don't know that that's so important as what it does on the days that I do remember to do it. Some days life can be so overwhelming and the problems of the day tend to take over. That's the life we live in the world that we live in. Thank God for Heaven, is all I can say! I will be SO glad to get out of this stinking, sin-cursed, fallen world (as our Pastor calls it) and spend eternity in perfection! But until that day, I have to get through each and every day of relationship problems, family squabbles, money issues, and just general life. Sometimes I truly hate it. Sin is everywhere I turn and I detest it. And more upsetting to me than anything is how those I love and those who claim to know better fall victim to it. We seem to rate ourselves on a sliding scale of "well, at least..." fill in the blank. At least I'm not as bad as ________, at least I don't ________, and so on. We trick ourselves into thinking that we are somehow better than the rest because we are *saved*. But Jesus didn't come to save us so that we could frolic in that same sin. He didn't lay down His life so that we could dabble in "smaller" sins. The things that we chalk up to just being human are not of God and the proof of that is in the destruction that they cause. If there was "nothing wrong with it" then nothing would become of it. But we have a responsibility... when someone calls our attention to it, when we hear a word that rebukes it, when we are made aware of it- we have a responsibility to acknowledge it as sin and turn from it. If we do not, it festers and creates a deep wound that- if not taken care of- over time will just grow deeper and deeper until it rots the core and affects everything else. "You will know them by their fruits". There is a fundamental truth and it is that you will be judged by every action and word and deed. If you're okay with that it doesn't mean that you're right, it just means that you're probably in some serious denial. And your denial of the truth doesn't make it any less true. So what am I grateful for today? Today, I am grateful that God has given me a deep moral compass that- when I listen to it- will steer me clear of temptation and pain. I am grateful for a conviction that brings me to my knees and gives me a clear conscience. I am grateful for a God who loves me enough to direct me in the right path when I'm going down the wrong one. And I'm grateful that I can hear the voice of the Lord through others and heed their warning. I realize that this is not so common, apparently, so I am grateful for it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Just found this ADORABLE blog called "Sprittibee". It is PRECIOUS! You have to check it out!! AND she's giving away an entire set of AWESOME, WHOLESOME movies!!

Here's the link...

be blessed...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Church Signs...

I saw these in a video and just wanted to post them here. Clever, clever stuff. Love it!

* Don't Give Up! Moses was once a basket case! *

* "TRY JESUS"! If you don't like Him, the devil will take you back! *

* If you don't like the way you were born, try being "born again"! *

* FREE COFFEE ~ EVERLASTING LIFE ~ Yes, membership has its privileges! *

* ATM INSIDE ~ Atonement, Truth, Mercy *

* Be as good a person as your pet believes you are *

* God does not believe in atheists, therefore, atheists do not exist! *

* What part of "THOU SHALL NOT* don't you understand? *

* Let's meet at my house Sunday before the game ~ God *

* Forgive your enemies, it messes with their heads * (love it!!)

* YOU'RE on Heaven's "Most Wanted" list! *

* (and on an old gas station light up sign) JESUS - COMING SOON *

* Don't be so open-minded, your brains fall out * (ba ha ha ha!)

* Can't sleep? Counting sheep? Talk to "the shepherd"! *

* You may party in hell, but YOU will be the BBQ!!!! *

* God so loved the world that He did not send a committee! * (can I get an AMEN!)

* Keep using my name in vain... I'll make rush hour LONGER! * (my personal fave!!)

* Tomorrow's Forecast... God Reigns and the Son Shines! * (CUTE!)

* We believe in UFO's... "Unity, Forgiveness, and Outreach *

* To be "Almost Saved" is to be Totally Lost! * (AMEN!!)

* If God had a refrigerator, YOUR picture would be on it! *

* Life stinks... we have a "pew" for you! *

* Read the Bible... it will scare the HELL out of you! * (GREATNESS!!)

* There ARE SOME questions that CAN'T be answered by Google! *

* Wal-mart isn't the only saving place in town! *

and this one I actually saw at a church here in Tyler...

* if you don't evangelize, you will fossilize! *

Hope you have enjoyed these! Orleans Christian Church in Orleans, Indiana gets credit for compiling the video with all the signs. :)

be blessed...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Do I Want Out Of THIS Life??

I find myself asking myself this question lately... what do I want out of THIS life?? What are my goals and aspirations for THIS life and how do I make them a reality? Now- when some people ask questions like this, it typically means some sort of career goals or success and since that means different things to different people, those answers may be different, but mostly- the same. As being true to myself as I can be, my answers do tend to veer from those of the *mainstream*. So what IS my answer?

Well, for one... I want to make a difference. I want to impact this world in a significant way. How do I do this? I have my ideas, but those are between me and God and- ultimately- up to His will and His timing anyway. God knows my heart and He knows the significance of my *dreams*. I loved what I learned at Feminar this weekend... my job is OBEDIENCE, God's job is RESULTS. How very appropriate this word was for me at this particular time in my life. God has been speaking this word *obedience* to me consistently lately. My question was and is- obedient to what, exactly, Lord? What is it that You're calling me to do, exactly? Well, as God typically chooses to do- He only lets me in on bits and pieces of His plan. Probably because if I were to know the full broad scope of it all at once, it would completely overwhelm me and I would go running the other direction! God knows our capabilities and knows that we DON'T tend to know them. I think we don't give ourselves credit for what we are truly capable of- through HIM. That is key... THROUGH HIM! We are CAPABLE of moving MOUNTAINS... THROUGH HIM! So to question that *we* can do what He has called us to do is truly to question that HE is capable... because He has said that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Nor will He ask us to do on our own what He has designed.

I learned so very, very much over the 2 days of Feminar and was truly blessed by this experience. Lysa TerKeurst of Proverbs31 Ministries was SUCH an inspiration! And Lori Salerno was a captivating speaker! Phillips, Craig and Dean were awesome, as always and Jeff Allen kept us ROLLING in Godly humor! Janet White moved our hearts on the righteousness of God and marriage and men. And Laura Story is an AWESOME worship leader from Georgia who wrote the now famous "Indescribable" as sang by Chris Tomlin. There were so many aspects of this that I cannot even begin to tell you all of them. But suffice it to say- God moved in an incredible, incredible way... at least for me. Almost everything He has been speaking to me and whispering to my soul lately was addressed in those 2 days, in some way or another. And when they began to lead us in worship with the song "It Is Well With My Soul"- I just lost it!! Just the day before- out of nowhere and I had no idea why- God gave me the tweet post that I made that simply said "I have learned to say... it is well with my soul. No matter what." Clearly, clearly the movement of God. I mean- what are the odds? That song of ALL songs or ALL hymns that could be sang?

So my question again today is... what do I want out of THIS life? Not great *success*, not great wealth, not a fancy home or expensive car (although that WOULD be nice! ;) my greatest desire is to make a DIFFERENCE- for my life not to have been just a subpar life that didn't greatly impact anyone or anything, but for those that love me and are close to me. Not that that wouldn't be enough- mind you. I LOVE my life and my hubby is ranked above the best (if I do say so myself!;), my children are the absolute light of my life and I have some of the best, best friends a girl could ask for! I love my job and my talents and all of these things and it's not that I'm not grateful for any one of these things... but... it isn't my real purpose here. God didn't just put me on this earth to have a family, have a job, have friends, and have hobbies. He put me on this earth to make a DIFFERENCE! So my greatest desire- my hearts' song- is have your way in me, Lord! MOVE ME!! Lead me in the direction You would have me to go! And when I'm there, let me know it!

I know you have put a story in me to tell. I didn't go through the things that I have gone through just to be another sob story- You have a PURPOSE for it... allow me to tell that story! Let people be moved by it- for YOUR glory! All for Your glory, Lord. For if it is not, it is all in vain and I don't want any part of it.

I've lived my 40 years on this earth- about to be 41- *for such a time as this*. I believe this with my whole heart. But I'm running out of time. I also believe THAT with my whole heart. I need to get off my duff, stop wasting time, and DO what I've been called to do. That is my cry to the Lord now. Don't let me waste anymore time, Lord! I have wasted enough...