Ok, so I have a self-diagnosed condition of A.D.D. which I have come to believe is nutritionally based, due to the brilliant PhD I recently assisted at a seminar. The changes I am planning to make soon *should* assist with minimizing that condition, hopefully, and I will blog about my findings on that. For the meantime, however, I have just accepted a PERMANENT (thank you GOD!!!) position that is very high profile and demanding and will require that I "hit the ground running", so to speak, every morning. Now I'm not a "morning person" and anyone who knows me can attest to that fact. I'm a "give me my coffee first thing in the morning and noone gets hurt", "my brain doesn't even begin to wake up 'til 10am" kind of person. You feel me? My *best* hours are between 8pm - midnight. I'm completely nocturnal and that's when I do my best work. BUT I live in an 8 to 5 world and so I must adjust myself accordingly. All that said... I NEED help with my energy level and my focus. I need something to take that will help me focus and give me an energy boost in the mornings, that is NOT bad for my body, chemically or caffeine induced (as that doesn't work for me anyway) and I don't feel bad about taking or won't "crash" or shake, etc. on. Any suggestions??? Anyone familiar with a product called "Focus Factor"? I am considering getting some of that and seeing how it does since I have a really good coupon for it anyway, but I don't want any of the above so... And no, I won't take any 5-hour energy or like products. My body is VERY susceptible to things like that and I HATE the feeling that it gives me- all jittery and heart palpitations,etc. I could never be a *druggie* for that reason, if nothing else. lol
Anywho... if anyone has any advice or suggestions about this, I would greatly appreciate it. What have you tried or are you taking now? What has worked for you? Or hasn't worked for you? Etc. I'm interested in hearing all of it. :)
Until next time! Be blessed...
About Me

- whodaresbetrue
- Hi! I'm a 42 year old Christian, wife, mother and friend to some pretty amazing people, if I do say so myself. ;) I'm a Writer, thus the reason I am here. Writing is my passion, closely followed by my love for music and Scrapbooking. What makes me tick, so to speak, is my love for people and I thrive in an environment when I'm able to exhibit that. If I write a blog that touches just one person's heart or allows them to identify with someone or makes them smile- that is what I'm in it for. That makes me happy. My God is the MOST important thing in my life- period. My husband and my children come next to that and all the other aspects of my life fall in line with that. :)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A.D.D. much??
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