This morning, I got up and was doing some cleaning and going through some articles that had been given to me that I planned to put in a garage sale. In the stack, were a set of dishes that I did not need and planned to sale, but they had something on all of them- some kind of oxidation or ? I wasn't sure what it was, but I threw them in the dishwasher, just knowing they would come out clean. They did not. I thought- what in the world is on them that the dishwasher would not remove? Regardless, no one would want them that way so I was about to throw them out when a thought occurred to me... what if I could wash them by hand and scrub that stuff off of them? It was worth a try so I opted to do that first before just tossing them out. As I preceded to scrub, an analogy came to mind. Now anyone who really knows me knows how I LOVE analogies. Especially my girls. ;) As I took that extra time and effort to scrub and try to remove the yucky substance from these dishes, I thought... how often do we do that with people in life? And what if God chose to do that with US? What if He looked and saw all the *yucky substance* in our life and decided just to *toss* us out without giving the special time and effort that it takes to bring us back to looking new again? And not only that, but just because those dishes have something that is clearly affecting the OUTSIDE of their appearance, they were clean on the part that you would actually eat from. So how often do we disregard people because their outside is a little rough, without ever truly giving the INSIDE a chance? Isn't that where it really matters? Does it really matter that the outside of those dishes don't look spotless? Or does it truly only matter that they would still serve their purpose in being good enough to eat from?
God truly works in mysterious ways sometimes, at least I see it that way. Sometimes He speaks to me through butterflies, sometimes through presents, sometimes through ice cream and, yes- sometimes- even through dishes. ;)
Have a blessed day, all!
About Me

- whodaresbetrue
- Hi! I'm a 42 year old Christian, wife, mother and friend to some pretty amazing people, if I do say so myself. ;) I'm a Writer, thus the reason I am here. Writing is my passion, closely followed by my love for music and Scrapbooking. What makes me tick, so to speak, is my love for people and I thrive in an environment when I'm able to exhibit that. If I write a blog that touches just one person's heart or allows them to identify with someone or makes them smile- that is what I'm in it for. That makes me happy. My God is the MOST important thing in my life- period. My husband and my children come next to that and all the other aspects of my life fall in line with that. :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Analogy Of The Dishes
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